
The Math of Rock, Paper, Scissors

Yes, scientists have studied how to never lose at rock paper scissors. Really.
A Chinese mathematician, Zhijian Wang, studied random people playing rock, paper, scissors. He noticed that the winners tend to stick to their winning strategy and losers try different methods.
The two players start by using random strategies. For example, if Player A chooses rock and Player B chooses scissors, Player A wins. Player A will most likely use rock again while Player B will try something else. If Player A used rock, Player B can assume that Player A will use rock again, therefore using paper to beat Player A. After that, Player B can assume that Player A will use the nxt strategy in the sequence, scissors and use rock to beat Player A, again.
To always beat someone at rock, paper, scissors, is quite simple. You must use the next strategy in the sequence. Easy.
Next time you go two out of three, remember what I have told you.
Next Time: Pythagoras